Better Results

To perform at your best in life and sports, you need a strong body and a fast brain. By adding random light and sound stimuli to the exercises, it integrates your training into your workouts. The result? Improved cognitive-motor skills such as perception, awareness, decision-making, focus, and reaction speed.

Objective Data

Measure your athletes in real time and track their progress over time. No opinions, just objective feedback. Concentration.

Sensor Educational Lights

Coaches and athletes alike appreciate its high-tech features, including sensor sensitivity and multi-sensory feedback. The unique balance sensor improves all types of coordination and balance exercises, while providing vibration feedback in the event of a loss of balance, making workouts more effective.





CatchPad, performansı artıran, daha hızlı sonuçlara ulaşmanı sağlayan, yenilikçi ve motive edici bir reaksiyon antrenman platformudur



CatchPad platformu, her spor, fitness ve terapi alanına uygun olarak tasarlanmış, interaktif bir uygulamayla kontrol edilen ışıklı cihazlarıyla fiziksel ve bilişsel aktiviteleri uyaran görsel ipuçları sunar.


CatchPad'in gelişmiş eğitim metodolojisi, fiziksel ve bilişsel becerileri bir araya getirerek daha hızlı ve sezgisel tepkiler kazandırır. Tepki süresini kısaltır, çevikliği artırır ve karar verme yeteneklerini güçlendirir.

Şimdi satın al

CatchPad Recommendations for Fitness

CatchPad Mix Series

The ideal choice for trainers and gyms

CatchPad Sports Series

Suitable for small training groups

CatchPad Go Series

Suitable for individual use

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